Welcome to VP System Developers

The CDL School

The CDL School

Technology Used:

.NET 2.0/3.5 Framework, SQL Server 2005, SQL Reporting Services, ASP.NET, WCF Services, SMS Services, IIS6, Windows 2003 Server.

Project Summary:

VP System Developers’ engineers architected and developed an online CRM system for the largest CDL School in North America. The CRM has reporting capabilities via a secure and customized gateway against SQL Reporting Services (SSRS). The CRM system gives administrators ability to manage users and their rights for school locations, manage courses and their visibility at particular locations, SMS messaging and ability to manage course costs and types of courses per location. The fully customized CRM system allows staff members to enroll students on different courses, take payments, and send emails and SMS messages to clients. The CRM allows for online scheduling of the students.


The system automatically creates rosters for their trainers and allows for trainers to capture grades for different types of examinations. The system is so versatile that it even allows graduating students to be paired up with hiring companies. VP System Developers added functionality to manage trucking companies and the various positions they have available for truckers.
Basically, the system handles all types of trucking jobs and we created a rating system which allows graduating students to be paired up with the best fit positions!
